
What do two Fuelmate staff, a lot of Fleet Managers & Rio Ferdinand have in common?

Not a lot you might think. However, on Tuesday 6th October they did.

They were all at the first day of Fleet Management Live at the NEC.

Taking a break from speaking to delegates about Fuelmate's fuel card solutions, our very own Jess and Anthony got to meet the ex-Manchester United and England player in person.

He didn't seem interested in taking a fuel card from us, so we got the next best thing, a photo!

Sandwiched between Rio and Jake Humphey, Jess and Anthony posed for the camera. Here's the proof.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Fuelmate stand over the course of the two-day show. If you registered for the prize draw to win a bottle of champagne, look out for an email from us in the next few days as you may be the lucky winner.

Fleet solutions


Trusted UK fuel card supplier

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Five Finger Steve