
How to Use and Store Fleet Data

Using fleet data correctly can improve your fleet management, allowing you to predict trends, behaviour patterns, and problems before they occur.Using fleet data correctly can improve your fleet management, allowing you to predict trends, behaviour patterns, and problems before they occur. With a fleet management app using Fleetmate telematics and data collected from fuel cards, you can make informed decisions that drive revenue, save money and improve driver safety. This article discusses how to use fleet data analytics and fleet reports to maximise your fleet's efficiency.

What are Fleet Data Analytics?

Fleet data is important to effective fleet management because it provides foresight for your business. Predictive analytics tools found in fleet management apps allow you to build your fleet forecast, using real-time data to improve your decision making in all areas of your business from productivity to safety. Gain insights on fuel efficiency, monitor driver behaviour, and improve your overall operational efficiency with fleet data. You can store your fleet data using a fleet management system, which will produce fleet reports with actionable data to improve your fleet's efficiency.

Combined with telematics data, which is recorded by a telematics device, you can assess your drivers' capabilities. The data and analytics will show:

  • number of trips per day
  • real-time location
  • vehicle speed
  • mileage
  • speeding
  • harsh braking
  • acceleration
  • aggressive cornering

How to Use Fleet Data and Analytics

1. Oversee driver behaviour

Utilising fleet data allows you to monitor your driver's behaviour and keep your workforce accountable. The dashboard feature on most fleet telematics software, such as Fleetmate telematics, lets you keep an eye on your drivers' location, fuel use and how they are spending money on their fuel card. This way, you can identify inefficient drivers and put in specific measures to change driving habits and protect the efficiency of your organisation.


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